Rakuten Securities HK Is Stepping into A New Era with Our New Logo

Rakuten Securities HK Is Stepping into A New Era with Our New Logo

Hong Kong, June 28, 2018 – Rakuten Securities Hong Kong Limited (“Rakuten Securities HK”) is pleased to announce that we are stepping into a new era with our new logo staring from 2nd July, 2018.

Logos on our website will be replaced with the new one on 2nd July, 2018. As for logos on trading tools such as MARKETSPEED FX, iSPEED FX and Rakuten FX Web will be replaced with the new one progressively. There will be no service suspension because of the logo change.

Should you have any enquiries, please contact Rakuten Securities HK at (852) 2119-0116 or marketing@sec.rakuten.com.hk.